Google Discovery Ads is an ad format launching in 2019 that enables advertisers to reach new audiences in creative and engaging ways. Here at Impulse Analytics, we’d like to share with you 8 Google Discovery Ads best practices.
Google Discovery is a Google feature that allows users to discover personalized content based on their interests. Users can easily interact with this content by scrolling maps and following suggestions for articles, images or videos.
Google Discovery Ads use this Google feature to display ads in image, video or carousel formats. Ads appear in locations such as Discover Feed, YouTube Home and Gmail Promotions, reaching users when they’re in a state of discovery and exploration.
Why is this important? With over 3 billion users on the platform, Google is the world’s most popular search engine. Discovery ads help advertisers reach a very large audience.
How do Google Discovery Ads work?
How to create a Google Discovery Campaign?
8 Google Discovery Ads best practices for a successful campaign
How do Google Discovery Ads work?
To broadcast Discovery Ads, you need to select targeting criteria such as location, age, gender, interests and purchasing behavior. You can also use retargeting to reach people who have already interacted with your company.
Ad formats
Google Discovery Ads support a variety of ad formats, including images, videos and carousels. Ads appear in high-quality placements such as Discover Feed, YouTube Home and Gmail Promotions.
How the auction works
Google Discovery Ads work on an auction basis. Advertisers bid for ad space, and the cost of the ad depends on the amount of the bid. Google also uses a ranking system to determine ad placement and cost.
The benefits of Google Discovery Ads
Google Discovery Ads offer several advantages for advertisers. Discovery Ads can help build brand awareness and generate conversions at a reasonable cost.
How do I create and optimize a successful Google Discovery Ads campaign?
To create a successful Google Discovery Ads campaign, you need to select the right targeting criteria and choose the right ad formats. You also need to monitor campaign performance and make adjustments based on the results.
How to create a Google Discovery Campaign?
To create a Discovery campaign on Google Ads, follow these steps:
Creating a Discovery campaign
First, create a new campaign in your Google Ads account and select “Discovery” as the campaign type. You’ll then need to choose the campaign type, budget, targeting and delivery parameters.
Creating a Google Discovery ad group
Once you’ve created a campaign, you’ll need to create a Discovery ad group. Within this ad group, you can specify targeting criteria such as interests, buying behavior and demographics.
Create a Google Discovery ad
Once you’ve created an ad group, you need to create a Discovery ad. You can use an image or video in your ad, as well as a title, description and call to action. You can also customize the format of your ad to suit your advertising objectives.
Select the delivery location
Next you can choose the locations where your Discovery ads will be shown, such as YouTube, Gmail and the “Discover” tab on the Google app. You can also specify the types of devices on which you’d like to serve your ads.
Save and launch your campaign
Once you’ve created your ad, you need to save your campaign and launch it. You can then track the performance of your ad and make changes based on the performance results.
By following these steps, you can create and launch a Discovery ad on Google Ads. To maximize the effectiveness of your ad campaigns, we’ll now give you a few tips!
8 Google Discovery Ads best practices for a successful campaign
Choose a clear objective
Before creating a Discovery Ads campaign, it’s important to clearly define the objective of the campaign, whether it’s to increase sales, leads, traffic or brand awareness. This will enable you to make better targeting and bidding choices.
Use quality images
Images are a key element in Google Discovery Ads. It’s important to use quality images that grab the user’s attention. Images should be clear, sharp and relevant to the product or service being advertised. Eye-catching colors can help draw users’ attention to your ads. Use bright, contrasting colors to make your ad stand out and grab the user’s attention.
Create personalized Discovery Ads
Personalized ads are more likely to engage users. Use features such as names and locations to personalize ads to the user.
Test different Discovery Ads formats
Discovery Ads offer several ad formats, including images, videos and carousels. Test different formats to find the one that works best for your business.
Optimize your bid
Bidding is an important element of Google Discovery Ads. Bidding strategically can help achieve campaign objectives at a reasonable cost. Test different bids to find the one that offers the best ROI.
Monitor and adjust campaign performance
It’s important to monitor your campaigns regularly and make adjustments based on the results of your marketing performance indicators. Use metrics such as click-through rate, conversion rate and cost per conversion to assess campaign performance and make improvements.
Use clear calls to action
Calls to action (CTAs) are essential to encourage users to interact with your ads. Use clear, relevant CTAs to encourage users to click on your ads and discover more about your company.
Perform A/B tests
Perform A/B tests to compare the performance of different ads. This will help you find the most effective elements for your target audience.
By following these best practices, you can maximize the effectiveness of your Discovery Ads and achieve your goals. By following these tips, you can create a successful Google Discovery campaign that effectively reaches your target audience and generates positive results for your business. Google Discovery Ads are designed to grab users’ attention and make them want to find out more about your business. It’s important to design ads that highlight the benefits of your product or service in a simple, straightforward way. For more advice, don’t hesitate to contact a Google Ads Agency.
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